
There are many variations between different parts of Bolton. This page will help you explore these differences.

In general, the smaller the type of geographical area, the less information is available about it. This is because from a practical point of view, more data points need to be collected overall to create reliable estimates for smaller areas. The census is completed by all households, so this goes down to the smallest areas, but is updated less frequently.

Within a larger area there may be significant and important variations which may be averaged out and hidden if you only look at the larger areas. The Geographies section of this website will help you understand the geographies at which information is typically available, and choose one that gives you a suitable balance of granularity and data availablilty.

Also see the Assets section of this website.

Health and social care integrated care neighbourhoods

  • Neighbourhoods are a local geography for integrated health and social care; all have a population of around 50,000 residents. Find out more about health and social care neighbourhoods as a geography
  • Integrated care neighbourhood tool - developed specially for Bolton's Integrated Care Neighbourhood teams. It visualises data from PHE local health profiles (below) in maps and charts to see how each Neighbourhood and part of Neighbourhood compares with Bolton as a whole and other parts of England. This data is best-fitted to resident-based integrated care Neighbourhoods.
  • Health inequalities data reports - present an overview of multiple health inequality indicators and associated benchmarking. They were produced for Bolton's Primary Care Networks (PCNs), by the Utilisation Management unit of Health Innovation Manchester. These are GP practice based. Practices in different parts of Bolton are linked to different PCNs. Patients will tend to live near their GP practice, but may be more widely spread around the borough.
  • Working better together in neighbourhoods - the steps that can be taken to create new, more effective and sustainable solutions for neighbourhood health from the NHS Confederation
  • The case for neighbouhood healtlh and care Identifying the defining factors necessary to achieve effective, community-led health and wellbeing at the neighbourhood level from the NHS confederation

Useful resources for other types of small areas

  • Explore local statistics - the ONS has brought together a range of information at smaller area level
  • 2021 Census data is now available! This is the best source of small area information, as (almost) everyone fills it in. Find out more on the Census section of this website.
  • Pre-prepared area reports using census data for Bolton health & care neighbourhoods and electoral wards
  • Fingertips local health profiles - are a collection of quality assured health information presented for small geographical areas. This includes ward, MSOA (a medium sized administrative geography) as well as larger areas.
  • NOMIS local area reports - include key statistics about small geographical areas, mainly sourced from the Census, so will go down small. For areas without names, you can use a postcode or check the area code - the Geographies section of this website will help with this.
  • OHID local area inequality explorer - demonstrates in area inequalities. 2023 version currently using pre May 2023 wards, expected to be updated in future releases.
  • House of Commons Library Constituency Dashboard - an interactive dashboard which brings together some of the key statistics for parliamentary constituencies (Bolton has 3). Some other House of Commons Library data dashbaords now also include MSOA (a medium sized administrative geography, smaller than constituency) level data.
  • The Health Foundation local authority dashbaord - Explore how our health is shaped by factors such as housing, employment and income, and explore differences between neighbourhoods in each local authority.
  • Small area populations - i.e. the number of people living in an area by age and gender, for a variety of small geographies are updated every year. You will need area codes to use this, the Geographies section of this website will help with this. The Population section of this website will tell you more about the current population of Bolton as a whole and how it is expected to change.
  • Mapping GM - provides a range of maps that you can use to explore Greater Manchester’s housing, planning, infrastructure, socio-economic and demographic data.
  • Life expectancy by bus routes - an interactive tool showing how much life expectancy (a key indicator of overall population health) can vary over relatively small distances.
  • Co-op community wellbeing index - area ratings on a range of themes based on conversations with people across the UK about what makes their communities tick. Note: these use a bespoke geography so other data is not available for these areas.