Useful websites

A useful guide to data visualisation and using it to unlock the potential of data from The Publications Office of the European Union

Here are some external websites containing useful data, evidence and intelligence on the health and wellbeing of Bolton people, and factors influencing it.

  • The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities' fingertips profiles - a collection of trusted, regularly updated data and information on many health related topics. A good starting point is the Local Authority Health Profile
  • Nomis - The most detailed and up-to-date statistics from official sources for local areas throughout the UK. Nomis has a range of datasets covering aspects of the labour market, life events and other topics.
  • Office for National Statistics - The UK's largest independent producer of official statistics and the recognised national statistical institute of the UK.
  • NICE - the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence produce a wide range of high quality guidance, advice, and quality standards for health, public health, and social care.
  • NHS Digital - responsible for standardising, collecting and publishing data and information from across the health and social care system in England.
  • Statistics on public health - from NHS Digital
  • StatXplore is a resouce produced by the Department of Work and Pensions to access benefits data. It can be tricky to use, so Centre for Ageing Better have produced a helpful StatXplore user guide.
  • NHS Business Services Authority (NHSBA) open data portal. Current datasets include those on dispensing of medicines, dental activity is coming soon.
  • NHS ODS Portal – find data on NHS organisations and practitioners - select 'Pre-defined reports'
  • NHS Organsiation Data Service - datasets on NHS organisations such as list of all GP practices

Local sources: